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    VivaScan Caries Detection Tip

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    VivaScan is the ideal solution for your entry into the world of digital dentistry. The VivaScan features laser technology of the next generation, which ensures precise scanning at superior speed. The user-friendly scan & send software solution allows dentists to capture digital impressions and transfer the data to their laboratory in a fast and streamlined workflow. VivaScan and Ivoclar Cloud connect dentists and dental labs and optimize their cooperation.


    • Lightweight and ergonomic design: VivaScan is compact in size for a flexible scanning experience. Its slim, lightweight and ergonomic design makes scanning an effortless task.
    • Plug & play function: The device’s plug & play function allows you to use VivaScan as a portable system. The scanner simply needs to be connected to a laptop for it to work. This makes using VivaScan extremely easy.
    • Two tip sizes: VivaScan comes with two differentsized tips (regular and small), which allow you to determine the best fit for every patient so that their scanning appointment will be as comfortable as possible.
    • Two-button function: This function allows you a touch-free operation of the laptop during the scanning process on the patient. High speed provides a fast scanning experience and helps you to treat a larger number of patients without wasting time or consumables.
    • True colour scan: The true colour scans produced with VivaScan help your laboratory to design and fabricate restorations precisely. Consequently, you can provide your patients with excellent fitting restorations[1], which will make you and your patients smile.
    • Integrated HD camera: The integrated HD camera makes your work easier due to high-resolution photographs and the case documentation.
    • Tip for caries detection – supports the early detection of caries in proximal areas as well as in enamel cracks.

    [1] Ender A et al. Int J Comput Dent 2019: 22: 11-19, additional data on file

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