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    IPS Style Ceram Transpa 100g Refills

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    The first patented metal-ceramic containing oxyapatite

    The patented metal-ceramic material IPS Style offers dental labs maximum efficiency, easy handling and lifelike aesthetics*. This is the first material in the history of dental ceramics to contain oxyapatite crystals. These crystals reflect a high amount of incident light and therefore give restorations a natural-looking depth.

    Oxyapatite crystals are contained in all the shaded components, ranging from the opaquer to the incisal materials. This allows the translucency or opacity of the restoration to be controlled as needed. The additionally contained leucite and fluorapatite crystals and the coordinated glass phases impart this low-fusing mixed-glass ceramic with unique handling and optical properties.

    IPS Style comprises components for single and multiple layer techniques. The materials are all matched to the stains and glazes of the versatile IPS Ivocolor assortment.


    • Optimised shrinkage behaviour and therefore high stability during the firing of the materials
    • Versatile modelling properties and individualized handling of the layering materials
    • Oxyapatite crystals for lifelike translucency and depth effect*


    • Conventional single and multiple layer veneering ceramic for the most popular dental alloys (including electroplating) in the CTE range of 13.8 – 15.2 x 10-6/K (25 – 500°C)
    • Veneers on refractory die material

    * At natural lighting conditions. The use of artificially generated UV or UV-like light may result in a different impression.

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