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    Cabinet dentaire

    OptraGloss Composite Kit

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    One polishing system for composite and ceramic restorations [1, 2]

    OptraGloss is a universal polishing system for extraoral and intraoral use. It is suitable for the high-gloss polishing dental restorations made of composite resin and ceramics [1, 2].

    OptraGloss consists of a dark-blue diamond polisher for pre-polishing and a light-blue diamond polisher for high-gloss polishing. For the one-step polishing of composite resin fillings, only the high-gloss polisher is required. The polishers are available in the shapes “Cup”, “Flame”, “Lens” and now also “Spiral Wheel” (only as high-gloss polisher) [2, 3].


    • Due to a high diamond content of up to 70%wt, excellent polishing results are ensured [2, 3]
    • Particularly smooth and shiny restoration surfaces [1, 2]
    • No additional polishing paste needed [2, 5]
    • Two-step high-gloss polishing of ceramic restorations [2] 
    • One system for composite and ceramic restorations in the dental practice [1, 2]

    Areas of Application

    • Polishing of composite resin fillings [2]
    • Polishing of restorations made of glass-ceramics, feldspathic ceramics and oxide ceramics [1, 2]

    Kit Contains:

    • 1x Flame High-gloss Polisher (Light Blue)
    • 1x Cup High-gloss Polisher (Light Blue)
    • 1x Lens High-gloss Polisher (Light Blue)
    • 1x Spiral Wheel High-gloss Polisher (Light Blue)


    [1] Dr. S. Heintze, In-vitro-Test konkurrierender Poliersysteme; Composite: Tetric EvoCeram®, Test Report, Ivoclar Vivadent, 2018.
    [2] Dr. C. Pentelescu, Design-Validierungsbericht OptraFine 20, Test Report, Ivoclar Vivadent, 2018.
    [3] Luzia Gründeler, FDS – Chemical Composition Standard, Ivoclar Vivadent, 2018.
    [4] Dr. C. Pentelescu, Untersuchungsbericht zum OptraGloss Spiralrad, Test Report, Ivoclar Vivadent, 2019.
    [5] Morgan M. Finishing and polishing of direct posterior resin restorations. Pract Proced Aesthet Dent 2004;16:p 212, paragraph 2-3.

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