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    Cabinet dentaire

    OptraSculpt Starter Kit

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    Description Notes et commentaires (0)

    Time-saving contouring due to anti-stick properties [1, 2, 3]

    OptraSculpt and OptraSculpt Pad are contouring instruments suitable for the non-stick shaping and contouring of surfaces [1, 2, 3]. They are especially designed to shape unpolymerised sculptable composites in direct restorative treatments and to contour and smoothen paste-like laboratory composites.

    Innovative solutions for the dental practice

    Easy adaptation

    • Non-stick properties: reduce the stickiness of the composite versus the instrument  [1, 2, 3]
    • Compatibility: attachments are suitable for both instruments
    • Working angles are adjusted to the anterior and posterior regions  [1, 2]

    Professional aesthetics

    • No marks left by the instrument on the restoration surface [2, 3]
    • Reduction of air inclusions in the composite during application [2, 3]
    • Homogeneous surface texture [2, 3]

    High efficiency

    • Efficient, easy contouring due to specially adjusted attachment shapes [1, 2]
    • Reduced effort in finishing and polishing [2, 3]


    • Three attachment shapes for the professional creation of sophisticated anatomical tooth structures: ball, pointed tip, chisel
    • Optimum working angle for the posterior region [1, 2]
    • Hygienic dispenser box for easy access to attachments

    Kit Contains:

    • 1x double-ended instrument
    • 20x Ball refills
    • 20x Chisel refills
    • 20x Pointed Tip refills

    [1] N. Walther, OptraSculpt Handlingstest, Test Report, Ivoclar, 2016
    [2] L. Enggist, Use Validation OptraFoam Extension, Test Report, Ivoclar, 2017
    [3] A. Peschke, S. Heintze, Designvalidierungstestbericht OptraFoam, Test Report, Ivoclar, 2012

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