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    Cabinet dentaire

    Multilink Applicator Refill

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    Description Notes et commentaires (0)

    Multilink Automix Next Generation is an adhesive luting system for the cementation of indirect restorations made of silicate and oxide ceramics (e.g. IPS e.max), metal and metal-ceramics and composite resins.

    Multilink Automix Next Generation includes:

    • An improved formula optimized to further facilitate the clean-up of excess material
    • Room temperature storage for ML cement and ML primer
    • Water-soluble glycerine-based try-in pastes
    • Liquid Strip enables users to protect the cement line from oxygen exposure during the curing process.


    Cementation of indirect restorations (inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, endodontic posts) made of:

  • Metal and metal-ceramic (PFM)
  • All-ceramics (silicate)
  • Reinforced all-ceramics (zirconium and aluminium oxide)
  • Composites and fibre-reinforced composites (FRC)

    Additional Advantages:

  • High bond strength on all surfaces
  • Composite matrix based on Variolink II, the leading luting composite worldwide
  • Self-curing with light-curing option
  • Self-etching primer
  • Shades:

    • Transparent, yellow, opaque, white

    Easy Clean-Up:

    • The “Easy Clean–up” formulation allows excess material to be light cured for 1-2 seconds per quarter surface (mesio-oral, disto-oral, mesio-buccal, disto-buccal) transforming the material to a gel-like consistency for fast, easy removal.

    Delivery Form:

    • Refill Vivadent Applicator 2x 25 Applicators (25 large, 25 small)
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