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    Telio Link A3 2 x 6g

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    Description Ratings & Reviews (0)

    Telio Link is a dual-curing luting composite for the aesthetic temporary cementation of provisional crowns, bridges, inlays, onlays and veneers. Telio Link is particularly suitable for incorporating temporary restorations in the anterior region.

    As Telio Link is eugenol-free, it is also perfectly suitable for use in conjunction with all-ceramic restorations or lab-fabricated composite restorations that are to be permanently cemented using an adhesive technique. Additionally, Telio Link is compatible with all conventional temporary materials (e.g. Telio C&B). Furthermore, it is suitable for the temporary cementation of long-term temporaries fabricated of Telio CAD and/or Telio Lab (maximum wear period: 6 weeks).


    • Eugenol-free
    • Dual-curing
    • High aesthetics due to two translucent shades
    • Ideal retention behaviour
    • Easy handling due to automix double-push syringe


    Temporary cementation of provisionals

    • Crowns and bridges
    • Inlays and onlays
    • Veneers
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